Conduct of Injured Patients in General Calixto Garcia University Hospital
politrauma, trauma complications, hospital stay.Abstract
Introduction: In the modern world, trauma is the leading cause of death and disability in people under 35 years of age. Multiple efforts are made to define its prognosis from the moment it occurs. Over the years, several scales have been created to describe the severity of injuries, the physiological changes that occur, as well as to assess care systems.
Objective: To describe the behavior of injured patients in Calixto García Hospital according to variables.
Methods: A observational, descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out with 1582 injured patients treated in the general surgery service.
Results: The trauma/admission interval exceeded sixty minutes in a high number of cases. Half of them presented clinical parameters of hemodynamic instability at admission. Compensation was achieved at the first hour of admission in seven out of ten injured patients. More than half the patients developed some complication. There was a predomination of hospital stay between 15 and 21 days.
Conclusions: Some of the variables studied behaved similarly to the way described in the consulted literature. The results suggest the need to implement a more effective prehospital care program for the injured patients to improve care and survival rate.Downloads
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