Perianal Superficial Angiomyxoma
superficial angiomyxoma, benign tumors, perianal tumor, perianal regionAbstract
Introduction: Superficial angiomyxomas are extremely unusual benign tumors rarely located in the perineal, perianal and gluteal regions due to epithelial elements probably found in the subcutaneous tissue.
Objective: To describe a patient diagnosed with superficial angiomyxoma in the perianal region at Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Manuel Fajardo.
Case report: A 33-year-old male patient is reported, of white skin color, with a history of controlled arterial hypertension. A lesion is present in the perianal region, of approximately 10 years of evolution, which progressively increased in size until it caused discomfort, pain, as well as yellowish and sometimes bloody discharge. After physical examination and imaging, as well as endoscopic and anatomopathological studies, it was diagnosed as a very vascularized angiomyxoma; therefore, surgical resection of the lesion was performed with good evolution.
Conclusions: The presented case is the first report of superficial angiomyxoma with perianal location in the male sex of a rare type of myxoma treated in Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Universitario Comandante Manuel Fajardo and with few reports in the international literature. It is evidenced that for this benign neoplasm it is essential to perform an adequate differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up due to the symptoms and the high rate of recurrence that it could have.
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