Characterization of neck trauma. General Calixto García University Hospital. 2018-2023.
trauma, initial care of trauma, cervical trauma, neck traumaAbstract
Introduction: Neck injuries represent 5-10 % of all traumas whose assessment and management require a precise and standardized approach.
Objective: To characterize neck traumas treated by the general surgery service at Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente General Calixto García.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, case series–type study was conducted with a universe of 54 patients treated for neck trauma by the general surgery service at Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente General Calixto García, of Havana, between January 2018 and December 2023; the following variables were studied: age groups, sex, vulnerating agent, affected systems, affected neck area (Monzón classification, year 1969), hemodynamic status at admission, therapeutic strategy, complications, deaths and lethality.
Results: In the researched population, there was a predominance of the male sex and the age group between 40 and 49 years, as well as zone I of the neck as the most affected (63.3 %). Hemodynamic stability prevailed at admission (77.8 %) and the most affected system was the osteomyoarticular system. The most commonly used vulnerating agent was a knife (94.5 %) and the treatment of choice was mostly surgery (91 %). There were 34 complications (63 %) and 10 deaths, accounting for a 16.2 % fatality rate.
Conclusions: Neck trauma, due to its complexity, is characterized by the need for careful clinical and surgical assessment.
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