gastrosquisis, defecto de cierre abdominal, Silo, Simil-Exit.Abstract
Introduction: Gastroschisis is a defect of the paraumbilical anterior abdominal wall, usually on the right with protrusion of intraabdominal viscera, which float freely in the amniotic fluid during intrauterine life, only covered by its visceral peritoneum.
Objective: To analyze the entity apropos a case of complex gastroschisis.
Clinical case: The case is described od a four-day-old neonate referred to the emergency service at Provincial Hospital of Cabinda, Republic of Angola, for presenting severe dehydration and “evisceration.” The patient died 36 hours after admission.
Conclusions: Neonates with this disease are presented as a surgical emergency that poses a difficult challenge for the treating surgeon. It has a high mortality even with the appropriate treatment. Novel treatment techniques are close to the expected survival rates for this entity.
Keywords: Gastroschisis; abdominal closure defect; silo; Simil-EXIT.Downloads
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