Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration
secuestro, pulmonar, secuestro pulmonar, intralobar.Abstract
Introduction: Pulmonary sequestration is characterized by masses of dysplastic, nonfunctioning lung tissue, without any communication with the bronchial tree.
Objective: To present three cases of intralobar pulmonary sequestration treated by the author.
Clinical case: The respective cases are presented of three patients with a diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration treated between 2013 and 2018. Two were male (44 and 60 years old, respectively) and one was female (20 years old). Their symptoms were chest pain (1) and severe lung infection (2). In two patients, the sequestration was located in the lower right lobe, while, in one, it was in the lower left lobe. The operations were right (1) and left (1) lower lobectomies and right lower and middle bilobectomy due to middle lobe involvement. Two had a satisfactory evolution, while one presented a pleural empyema healed with antibiotic treatment.
Conclusions: Pulmonary sequestration is rare and their symptoms are usually associated with pulmonary infection. In most cases, a lobectomy is necessary. The postoperative evolution is usually good.
Keywords: sequestration; pulmonary; pulmonary sequestration; intralobar.Downloads
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