Closure of Recurrent Tracheocutaneous Fistula
tracheostomy, tracheocutaneous fistula, plastyAbstract
Introduction: Tracheocutaneous fistula is the most frequent complication of tracheostomy, leading to the need to use different types of plasties to achieve a definitive closure.
Objective: To show a surgical treatment option for guaranteeing a definitive closure of recurrent tracheocutaneous fistula.
Clinical case: We present the case of a 45-year-old male patient with a history of tracheostomy without spontaneous closure, who developed tracheocutaneous fistula managed through double plasty of anterior sliding of Szymanowski type, followed by recurrence. Direct closure of the tracheal mucosa was performed with platysma muscle plication and advancement of rectangular skin flaps for reinforcing coverage of the anterior wall of the trachea. Correction of the fistula was achieved by a simple, fast and effective procedure.
Conclusions: This method avoids the difficulties found in other procedures, and guarantees functional and aesthetic correction with the use of a simple technique with low morbidity.Downloads
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