Experience of Eight Years Performing Thyroidectomies at Dr. Enrique Cabrera Cossío General Teaching Hospital
cirugÃa, enfermedades del tiroides, cáncer tiroideo.Abstract
Introduction: Thyroid diseases are relatively frequent and can be benign or malignant. The algorithm for the diagnosis of thyroid nodules is mainly aimed at defining the presence or absence of a carcinoma in the gland. Surgical treatment can include conventional, partial or total, as well as minimally invasive, techniques.
Objective: To describe the outcomes of surgical treatment for thyroid diseases at Enrique Cabrera General Teaching Hospital between 2013 and 2020.
Methods: An ambispective and descriptive study was carried out, between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2020, in the aforementioned center. The universe was made up of all patients with thyroid diseases treated surgically. The sample consisted of 96 patients.
Results: The mean age was 48.1 years. The female sex predominated (83.3%). The most frequent diagnosis was goiter with compressive symptoms (39.6%), followed by thyroid carcinoma (25%); among the latter, the most observed was papillary carcinoma (66.6%). Total thyroidectomy was performed in 40.6%, with few postoperative complications (7.3%), recurrent paralysis being the most frequent of them.
Conclusions: The surgical treatment for thyroid diseases at Dr. Enrique Cabrera General Teaching Hospital had good outcomes, both in benign diseases and in thyroid cancer.
Keywords: surgery; thyroid diseases; thyroid cancer.
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