Posoperative Persistent Gas Leak
fuga gaseosa, pleurodesis, broncoscopiaAbstract
Introduction: Persistent gas leak is the most common postoperative complication in thoracic surgery. Currently there are no studies with sufficient scientific evidence to establish a standard for the treatment of this complication.
Objective: To offer an update of the predisposing factors of gas leak, as well as the treatment modalities that have emerged in recent years. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in MEDLINE (PubMed), SciELO databases, as well as in academic Google. Variables such as type of lung resection, surgical time, and postoperative complications were taken into account. The keywords in Spanish and English were used and a total of 44 articles published from 1998 to 2020 were selected.
Discussion: Although this complication is generally considered mild, it can have 46% incidence, being associated with an extra time of the hospital stay, affecting health costs, as well as discomfort and morbidity for the patient. Depending on when it occurs and its location, the treatment will include different alternatives that range from conservative management, to different modalities of pleurodesis, endoscopic or surgical treatment.
Conclusions: The resolution of this entity occurs in most patients through the use of a chest tube, while alternative strategies will be required for the rest. It is important for surgeons to know their form of prevention, as well as all the therapeutic options, for their proper use based on their criteria or experience.
Keywords: gas leak; pleurodesis; bronchoscopy.
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