Spontaneous Cholecystocutaneous Fistula
fÃstula colecistocutánea, colecistectomÃa, perforaciónAbstract
Introduction: The incidence of cholecystocutaneous fistula has decreased due to the early surgical managment of patients with vesicular lithiasis.
Objective: To present a case of cholecystocutaneous fistula secondary to chronic lithiasic cholecystopathy.
Clinical case: An 87-year-old female patient was attended in the emergency surgical services after having suffered, two weeks earlier, pain in the right hypochondrium accompanied by progressive increase in volume in that region. Physical examination revealed spontaneous discharge of dark bile continuously through a fistulous orifice. The patient was decided to be taken to the operating room, where she was performed a profound infundibulum cholecystectomy and transcystic cholangiography, lithiasis being visualized. The next considered step was choledochotomy for stone extraction with bile duct lavage, and a T-tube was placed. Evolution was satisfactory.
Conclusions: The treatment combining surgery and antibiotic therapy is curative.
Keywords: cholecystocutaneous fistula; cholecystectomy; perforation.
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