Garengeot's Hernia
hernia, apendicitis, femoral, hernia de GarengeotAbstract
Introduction: Garengeot's hernia is one of the most uncommon abdominal wall hernias worldwide.
Objective: To present the case of a patient with a diagnosis of crural hernia, with cecal appendix, definitely being Garengeot's hernia.
Clinical case: A female patient of white skin color, aged 56 years old, with a family history of disease, was admitted to the surgery service of Hospital Universitario “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” with the diagnosis of incarcerated crural hernia. He presented pain in the root of the right thigh, nausea and an irreducible tumor below the Malgaigne's line, irreducible.
Conclusions: Garengeot's hernia is a unique surgical entity, difficult to distinguish from an irreducible crural hernia. Therefore, its diagnosis is an intraoperative finding and herniorrhaphy is the most commonly used surgical procedure.
Keywords: hernia; appendicitis; femoral; Garengeot's hernia.
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