Benign Appendiceal Mucocele
acute appendicitis, benign appendiceal mucocele, appendicectomy.Abstract
Introduction: Appendiceal mucocele is considered a rare lesion of the appendix characterized by dilatation of the organ lumen with mucus accumulation. It can be benign or malignant.
Objective: To characterize a case of appendiceal mucocele with benign behavior in an adult male patient.
Case presentation: A patient under study of digestive tract tumor is attended. The patient underwent surgery for having acute peritoneal symptoms; a mass of appendicular location was found. Conventional appendicectomy was performed and the piece was studied by pathological anatomy, being a benign appendicular mucocele. The patient's evolution was satisfactory.
Conclusions: This condition is presented clinically in a nonspecific manner, which makes for its diagnosis to be more frequently intraoperative. The surgical strategy depends on the intraoperative findings, in which appendectomy and right hemicolectomy are the most used techniques. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a feared complication.
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