Postintubation Tracheal Stenosis after Severe Coronavirus Pneumonia
COVID-19, postintubation laryngotracheal stenosis, tracheal stenosis, mechanical ventilation.Abstract
Introduction: The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in a global pandemic. Although tracheal intubation can save lives, it presents the inherent risk of inducing tracheal mucosal damage with stenosis, with an estimated annual incidence of 4.9 cases per million.
Objective: To characterize a case of tracheal stenosis due to prolonged intubation in a patient with severe coronavirus pneumonia.
Case presentation: A 55-year-old patient who suffered severe coronavirus pneumonia and required prolonged orotracheal intubation was attended. Once recovered, the patient began with progressively worsening dyspnea. Tracheal stenosis was diagnosed and surgical treatment was decided, in which resection and anastomosis were performed. The patient did not present any complications and evolved satisfactorily.
Conclusions: Tracheal stenosis should be recognized as a potential complication, even when patients recover from severe COVID-19 pneumonia. A definitive diagnosis of tracheal stenosis is made by fibrobronchoscopy. Tracheal resection with anastomosis between trachea is the most commonly performed procedure.
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