Cecal Volvulus from two Treatment Variants
intestinal obstruction, cecal intestinal volvulus.Abstract
Introduction: Cecal volvulus is uncommon in the West and represents only 1% of cases of intestinal occlusion in adults. Patients with this entity usually present a clinical picture of intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, as well as absence of gas and stool expulsion through the rectum.
Objective: To describe two treatment alternatives for cecal volvulus.
Case presentation: The cases are presented of two cases of male patients, both elderly, with clinical symptoms suggestive of mechanical intestinal occlusion of the large intestine caused by cecal volvulus. Exploratory laparotomy was performed with the aforementioned diagnoses and cecal volvulus was found. Then different surgical techniques were applied for each case according to the individual condition of each case.
Conclusions: It was feasible to apply different surgical techniques after assessing the individual condition of the patients, since both presented a favorable evolution.
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