Sarcoma of the Breast
sarcoma, breast, cancer.Abstract
Introduction: Primitive sarcoma of the breast is the least frequent nonepithelial malignant tumor. It is a rare entity whose incidence accounts for less than 1 % of malignant neoplasms of the breast and less than 5 % of all sarcomas.
Objective: To present a series of cases diagnosed with sarcoma of the breast due to the low incidence of this disease worldwide, as well as its aggressiveness and precarious course.
Case presentation: Seven patients with a diagnosis of sarcoma of the breast are presented, six of whom were female. Their average age was 52.8 years. From the anatomopathological point of view, the diagnosis was heterogeneous, since malignant phyllodes tumor, fibrosarcomas, epithelioid sarcoma, pleomorphic sarcoma and clear cell sarcoma were found.
Conclusions: Sarcoma of the breast is a rare and infrequent entity.
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