Modifications of Nasal Tip After Transcartilaginous Rhinoplasty
rinoplastia endonasal, modificación de la punta nasal, mediciones antropométricas.Abstract
Introduction: The reduction of the width and definition of the nasal tip is one of the main objectives of aesthetic rhinoplasty. The endonasal route, with a transcartilaginous incision, is mainly used when there are no significant alterations in the cartilaginous structure of the nasal tip.
Objective: To determine the morphological changes that occur in the nasal tip after transcartilaginous rhinoplasty.
Methods: A descriptive, prospective, longitudinal study was carried out in 15 patients with aesthetic deformity of the nasal tip, who were operated by transcartilaginous rhinoplasty at Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, from 2016 to 2020. The variables studied were nasolabial angle, width of the nasal tip, percentage of reduction in the width of the nasal tip, relationship between the nasal length and the projection of the nasal tip, and the patients' satisfaction status.
Results: There was a narrowing of the nasal tip, starting from a preoperative mean width of 64.8% in relation to the nasal base, to a postoperative mean of 60.1%, resulting in a mean percentage reduction in width of the postoperative nasal tip of 7.3%. No variation was observed regarding the predominance of the ideal categories in the rest of the variables studied, even when there were individual changes, as a group.
Conclusions: Postoperative modifications were produced that contributed to a refinement of the nasal tip, with a high degree of satisfaction of the operated patients.
Keywords: endonasal rhinoplasty; modification of the nasal tip; anthropometric measurements.
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