Results of Treating Of Anal Cancer Patients at Comandante Manuel Fajardo Surgical Clinical University Hospital
cáncer anal, carcinoma de células escamosas, quimiorradioterapiaAbstract
Introduction: Anal cancer is the one with the lowest incidence of the digestive tract, but in recent years it has slightly increased.
Objective: To identify the results of the treatment used for anal cancer in the Coloproctology Service of Comandante Manuel Fajardo Surgical Clinical University Hospital.
Methods: A descriptive and observational study was carried out with patients diagnosed and treated for anal cancer in the 2014-2019 period. Variables such as pathological history, risk factors, symptoms, stage of the disease, treatments, among others, were studied.
Results: The mean age was 58.4 ± 14.7 years and 75.3% were women. 52.1% had pathological antecedents and the most frequent risk factor was age (> 50 years: 80.8%). The most usual location was in the anal canal and stages II and III. Bleeding appeared in 58.9% of the patients. Chemoradiation therapy (87.7%), local exeresis (17.8%) and abdominoperineal surgery (8.2%) were applied. Colostomy was performed in 14% of individuals; 72.6% were free of colostomy for more than one year. The colostomy-free time was 87.5%, with treatment of 5 years and more. 24.7% died, the disease progression was the cause of death in 55.6% of the diseased subjects, while the most frequent cause was liver metastasis.
Conclusions: Chemoradiotherapy was the main treatment with which an acceptable survival rate was obtained in patients with anal cancer.
Keywords: anal cancer; squamous cell carcinoma; chemoradiation therapy.
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