Survival in Patients with Breast Cancer and Conservative Surgery
cáncer de mama, cirugÃa conservadora, supervivencia globalAbstract
Introduction: Nowadays, conservative surgery, rather than an option for the surgical treatment of breast cancer, is the surgical technique of choice.
Objective: To characterize the survival of patients with breast cancer operated on with conservative surgery.
Methods: A multicenter, retrospective, descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out at Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico “Arnaldo Milián Castro” and "Celestino Hernández Robau" oncologic hospital, both in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara Province, in the period from January 2011 to December 2020.
Results: The overall survival of patients with breast cancer and conservative surgery in those who presented events (died) was higher in those with infiltrating ductal carcinoma, accounting for 9.3 years. In the case of tumor stage, survival was predominant in those patients with stages IA and IIA, accounting for 9.8 and 9.1 years, respectively. Concerning immunohistochemistry, the molecular subtype with the best overall survival was Luminal B, accounting for 9.2 years. Regarding the applied definitive treatment, those patients who received chemotherapy-radiotherapy-hormone therapy and chemotherapy-radiotherapy schemes presented better overall survival, accounting for 9.4 and 8.8 years, respectively.
Conclusions: Overall survival is higher in patients with infiltrating ductal carcinoma (not otherwise specified), tumor stages IA and IIA, molecular subtype Luminal B according to immunohistochemistry, and definitive treatments with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy scheme.
Keywords: breast cancer; conservative surgery; overall survival
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