Single port devices
LESS, dispositivos monopuerto, cirugÃa de mÃnimo acceso.Abstract
Introduction: Laparoscopic surgery has as an important advance the single-port approach, which is in constant improvement and where the available access device influences its success. These procedures of laparoscopic surgery by a single port are performed with the use of single port devices, through a surgical glove, by flexible endoscopy or by multiple trocars in an incision, but the first option facilitates the work and reduces complications.Objective: Update the existing information on single-port devices to take it into consideration when carrying out the procedure.Methods: A bibliographic review on single port devices in minimally invasive surgery was carried out from March to April 2020. Articles, specialized books and bibliographic citations of selected studies were reviewed, of which 25 were selected for this review.Development: After reviewing 25 cited bibliographies, the characteristics of the main devices were detailed.Conclusions: There is a wide range of single-port devices, whose effectiveness is evidenced in the consulted bibliography, and that the review of this topic should be taken into account by specialists when performing this surgery.Keywords: LESS; single port devices; minimal access surgery.Downloads
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How to Cite
Monet Fernández YE, Ortega Peñate JA, Ung Lao P. Single port devices. Rev. Cub. Cir. [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];60(3). Available from:
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