Colon Cancer with Synchronous Hepatic Metastases
cáncer de colon, metástasis hepática sincrónica, etiopatogenia, clasificación, mortalidad, supervivencia.Abstract
Introduction: Colon cancer is a serious health concern due to its high incidence and mortality.
Objective: To describe some epidemiological, etiopathogenic, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of colon cancer with hepatic metastases.
Methods: Documentary review about the subject carried out in biomedical bibliographic databases, during the period 2015-2020. Thirty-one articles related to the proposed objective were selected.
Development: Colon cancer patients with synchronous hepatic metastases are treated using three strategies: the traditional, or classic, strategy consists in surgical resection of primary tumor and, subsequently, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both, before proceeding then to resection of liver lesions three to three six months later; the simultaneous strategy consists in resection of primary tumor lesion and hepatic metastases in the same surgical procedure, followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both; and the reverse strategy, in which three to six cycles of systemic chemotherapy are administered, followed by resection of hepatic metastases and, in a second stage, resection of primary tumor, all this with chemotherapy during the interval between both surgeries.
Conclusions: The only treatment with curative potential in patients with hepatic metastases should be the resection of the entire hepatic tumor volume with adequate margins and sufficient preservation of the healthy parenchyma (25-30%), according to established oncological and anatomical criteria, which has an incidence on the quality of life and survival of these patients.
Keywords: colon cancer; synchronous hepatic metastasis; etiopathogeny; classification; mortality; survival.Downloads
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