Bioethical Foundations and Practical Aspects of Informed Consent in the Context of Oncological Surgery
informed consent, bioethics, autonomy, Oncologic surgery.Abstract
Introduction: Informed consent is an important act of the doctor-patient relationship, it is a process and a medical-legal-bioethical document that is transcendent of this relationship. In this sense, consent is used as a tool that favors dialogue and understanding during surgical treatment.
Objective: Provide an analysis and update of the topic from the context of oncological surgery due to the importance of this topic today.
Methods: A review of the relevant literature published on the subject was carried out in PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar databases, emphasizing the last 5 years, and in the English and Spanish languages, emphasizing the words consent, bioethics, and oncology. A total of 35 articles were reviewed.
Development: The growing demand for novel therapies in medicine and even more in oncology, has raised new ethical dilemmas for society. Decision-making in health matters is a central element of autonomy, there are various concepts related to the surgical patient suffering from cancer. Hence the importance of consent and motivation of this work.
Conclusions: Applying bioethics to the practice of oncology allows access to the scenario where decisions go through an ethical analysis. When bioethical principles are exercised as a regular procedure such as informed consent, the doctor-patient relationship reflects actions aimed at promoting communication, respect for dignity and the process at the end of life.
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